Throughout Boston, property (re)development is transforming neighborhoods, contributing to displacement of long-term residents, and exacerbating housing insecurity. Additionally, a lack of transparency around planning and development processes means that few area residents are able to participate effectively in the public development review process run by the Boston Planning & Development Agency. This interactive and entertaining training aims to provide local residents with the knowledge, resources, and skills to ensure that their voices are heard in formal neighborhood and city planning. Come to a learning session with NuLawLab of Northeastern University School of Law and help build a civic education strategy for Boston at the same time.

…first in thought, then in action
The ICA invited Boston-based artist, organizer, and educator Anthony Romero to create …first in thought, then in action, a project that expands ideas, questions, and provocations beyond the museum’s walls. Romero has developed the project over the past year, with a focus on East Boston, organizing a series of listening sessions and community gatherings to collect local histories of activism, migration, and displacement from East Boston perspectives. At the ICA, he premieres a new sculpture and sound piece as well as a corresponding series of public talks, conversations, and performances with local organizers and community members that touch on gentrification, housing, and displacement.

Anthony Romero’s …first in thought, then in action is supported, in part, by Robert Nagle, a Live Arts Boston grant from the Boston Foundation, and the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University.