Celebrate the opening of Deana Lawson, the first museum survey dedicated to the influential artist’s work. Join the artist, supporters, and fellow art-loving members at this special evening event, offering first access to the exhibition, music, and refreshments after hours.

ICA members RSVP to icaopening@icaboston.org.

Not a member? Join now to attend the opening. 

For Individual members+


VIP Opening Reception is sponsored by the Mazer Group.

Mazer Group logo

Deana Lawson is co-organized by ICA/Boston and MoMA PS1. This exhibition is organized by Eva Respini, Barbara Lee Chief Curator, ICA/Boston, and Peter Eleey, UCCA Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing and Shanghai, with Anni Pullagura, Curatorial Assistant, ICA/Boston. 

Major support for Deana Lawson is provided by the Henry Luce Foundation and The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts.

Henry Luce Foundation logo

Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts logo

Additional support for the ICA/Boston presentation is generously provided by Bridgitt and Bruce Evans, Aedie McEvoy, Kambiz and Nazgol Shahbazi, Kim Sinatra, Charlotte and Herbert S. Wagner III, the Fotene Demoulas Fund for Curatorial Research and Publications, the Jennifer Epstein Fund for Women Artists, and The Kristen and Kent Lucken Fund for Photography.